Dr. Hiromi Shinya
Director, Shinya Medical Clinic, New York

"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable.
I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone."

Dr. Sherry Rogers

Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi
Director, Water Institute, Tokyo
Director, Shinya Medical Clinic, New York
His revolutionary “Shinya Method” has become widely used in colonoscopy procedures worldwide.
"It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy and clean colon is one of the most important precursors to good health and that the great majority of body ailments and diseases originate in an acidic and dirty colon. Water is essential for your health.
Drinking “good water;" especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH."
Drinking “good water;" especially hard water which has much calcium and magnesium keeps your body at an optimal alkaline PH."
Dr. Theodore Baroody
Author "Alkalize of Die"
Author "Alkalize of Die"
"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable.
I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone."
"Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste... After carefully evaluating the results of my advice to hundreds of individuals, I'm convinced that toxicity in the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of degenerative disease."
Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi
Director, Water Institute, Tokyo
"Bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body for decades. I recommend the consumption of ionized alkaline water, which will slowly and gently wash these salts away."
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