Friday, January 29, 2010

Acidosis Effects

Excess acidity is a condition that weakens all body systems. Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs, bones and teeth to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body.

As a result, the body can suffer severe and prolonged corrosion due to high acidity, a condition that may go undetected for years.
Acidosis leads to serious problems with major organs such as the liver, heart or kidneys. In this article, we will be looking into some of the reasons as to why we should avoid acidosis. 

1.)  It leads to weight gain and diabetes.
An acidic pH may result in weight problems such as diabetes and obesity.  When our body is too acidic, we suffer from a condition known as Insulin Resistance.This forces excessive insulin to be produced. As a result, the body is flooded with so much insulin that it diligently converts every calorie into fat. 

It is very likely that an acid pH, from an imbalanced diet, produces a condition, which stimulates the predetermined genetic response to starvation and famine. Thereafter, the body will have to increasingly hoard every calorie consumed and store it as fat.

Some people reckon that an acid pH immediately signals the powerful genetic response to an impending famine,directly interpreting with the all important and very sensitive Insulin Glucagon Axis. When this happens, it makes thebody produce more insulin than usual, and in turn, produce more fats and store it. 

On the other hand, a healthy and slightly alkaline pH will yield normal fat burning metabolic activities, making no demands on the body to produce extra insulin and make fats.  As such, this allows fat to be burned and naturally lost. A healthy pH diet is also less likely to have any yo-yo effects, or rebounding from a diet with additional weight gain.  We should try to maintain a healthy slightly alkaline pH so as to allow fats to be burnt normally for energy, rather than hoarded and stored under the mistaken biochemical belief of an impending famine.  Acidosis also disrupts the insulin producing pancreatic beta cells. 
These beta cells are especially sensitive to pH and cannot survive if the body is too acidic. When this occurs, beta cells will lose phase with one another. Their cellular communication will be thwarted and the body's immune system will start to over-respond. Stress within the cells will increase, making them more difficult to perform adequately and survive.

2.)  It accelerates free-radical damage and premature aging. 

Acidosis leads to partial lipid breakdown and destructive oxidative cascades accelerating free radical damage of cell walls and intracellular membrane structures. In this process, many healthy cells are destroyed.

Acidosis is the first step towards premature aging and accelerated oxidative cascades of cell wall

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Why Drinking Kangen Water is Necessary for a Healthy Colon

Wade Lightheart  is a three-time Canadian "Natural" Bodybuilding Champion and one of the world's premiere training and nutrition advisors. He has authored four training books which have sold in over 80 countries. As a Certified Sport Nutrition Advisor, he has dedicated his life to helping others achieve physical, mental and spiritual balance through nutrition, health, and fitness. He is a perfectionist, especially when it comes to his health and highly recommends Kangen Water because it the absolute best! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are Antioxidants the Fountain of Youth?

Antioxidants: The Fountain of Youth?

By pHDrinkingwater.com Staff

antioxidizing water can make you feel and look youngerThose of us who fail to remember everything from high school biology may forget the exact definition of an antioxidant; it turns out the definition is buried somewhere in our sophomore locker. But, even if we don't remember exactly what an antioxidant is, we do remember one thing: antioxidants are good for our well being.

Wine, vegetables, tea, fruit, coffee, even certain types of water, like Kangen Water™, are all rich in antioxidants. We eat them, we drink them, if we could, we might even date them, all in an attempt to live a life filled with health. While this "maintaining health" is perhaps the number one feature on an antioxidant's resume, recent research has now discovered that they have the ability to do one more special task: antioxidants may help us stay young.

Antioxidants, if we are all to get out our pocket protectors for just a brief moment, are molecules that possess the ability to prevent, or at least slow down, the oxidation of other molecules.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Please Don't Drink Bottled Water

We're being manipulated by the bottled water industry.  It is a shame!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kangen Water™- An Anti-Oxidant

Kangen Water™ is perhaps more powerful than any single food or vitamin supplement, because it contains active hydrogen which supplies huge amounts of extra electrons to our body. Most water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in the water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not Kangen Water™. In fact, the antioxidant potential of a single glass of Kangen Water™ would cost several dollars to duplicate with vitamin supplements and they would never be absorbed by our body the way water is.  In fact, Kangen Water™ is so powerful as an antioxidant that your body will no longer have to use up calcium to supply electrons to free radicals.

This Chart shows the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of common beverages.  

Anti-Oxidants -

At 0, nothing is happening. When the numbers get into the positive side, the substance is causing oxidation, aging, and degeneration in the body. 

There are 98 legally allowable chemicals in tap water.  When ingested, those chemicals steal electrons from healthy cells. When water flows through pipes, it becomes acidic, so it is treated with LYE to make it meet the pH level mandated by the government of 6.8 to 7.2.   Do you really think you are helping your body out when you drink tap water?  The chlorine alone in tap water is a known carcinogen.  Chlorine raises the incidence of cancer in everything it touches, from your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and rectum.  Chlorine has been proven to contribute to heart disease in every animal tested.

Check out the good side.  Vitamin C is about a -50; which is a good anti-oxidant. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice measures around -200 to – 250.  That is one reason the American Cancer Institute recommends everyone eat 10 servings a day of fruits and vegetables….it’s to get your anti-oxidants, because remember, a cell that gets it’s electrons stolen will then reproduce as a damaged cell, and that new cell will reproduce as a more damaged cell, and so forth, until you get degenerative disease and eventually cancer. Check out green tea, at a -100.  The Japanese drink tons of green tea. Remember when grandma’s used to give your dads and moms cod liver oil when they were little kids?  They were smart; it’s a -200. But could you drink enough cod liver oil or green tea, or orange juice, or Noni juice, or mangostein juice, or blueberry juice, to replace 80,000 stolen electrons in a day?  I don’t think so…Kangen water ranges from -350  up to -800’s, depending on how many minerals are naturally occurring in your water!   That is 7 to 16 times stronger than vitamin C!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alkalinity and The Athlete

  • Hexagonal Kangen™ water is ahead of any other kind of water for rapid recovery from exertion because of its superior absorption and permeation qualities.
  • The alkaline properties of Kangen™ water prolong the elasticity of the muscles which creates better performance and greater stamina.
  • Kangen™ water presents with higher alkalinity which facilitates better permeation of cell membranes. It does this quicker than any other water and leads to a more rapid recover from injury.
  • Kangen™ water’s efficacy is attributed to its hexagonal structure of its molecules. Hexagonal water goes deeper into the interstitial tissue where it feeds and baths the cells at the cellular level. This principle is called “micro-clustering.”
  • Hexagonal Kangen™, more than any other water or liquid, oxygenates the muscles and creates the very best in hydration.
  • Better hydration means that muscles return to their normal elastic state quicker thus giving a greater range of motion.
  • Waste from lactic acid build-up that occurs when stress is placed on muscles during work-outs and competition is more quickly removed at the cellular level when drinking Kangen™ water. Again, muscles return more efficiently and more rapidly to a normal elastic state allowing for the body’s quicker recovery after exertion.
  • Muscles perform with greater range of motion when hydrated with Kangen™ water.
  • Stamina and energy increases and the ‘wall’ can be dramatically reduced or eliminated when staying hydrated with Kangen™ water.
In his work with high-performance athletes and in his personal life, Chuck has found Kangen™ water is water he simply can’t do without.— LouAnn Savage
(LouAnn Savage is President of Health Fit for Life. She publishes and writes for www.KangenWaterBlog.com where you can sign-up for The Weekly Healthline and be notified of new health and wellness programs and events. Follow her at ‘kangenwater’ on twitter and Facebook.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shower Your Insides

You hear the advice about drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of water almost as much as you hear “The tribe has spoken”. There’s no magic to this number, the the right amount varies according to your activity level and size, so if you want, just drink enough water so that your urine is clear. Or 8x8 ounces might be easier. Of all the reasons H2O (preferably filtered) is oh-so-good, the work it does for your guts is one of the best. For starters, it helps lubricate everything so food can slide through more easily. Plus, it helps quell hunger, fights bad breath, and helps you avoid dry mouth. Your mechanism for detecting
thirst doesn't work as well when you’re older as it does when you’re young, which makes it that much more important to remind yourself to drink regularly throughout the day–before your body even tells you its time.

Exerpts from
Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D.
Free Press / Simon & Schuster, Publisher

Friday, January 15, 2010

Rising sales of bottled water trigger strong reaction from U.S. conservationists

Rising sales of bottled water trigger strong reaction from U.S. conservationists
By Erica Gies, March 19, 2008  New York Times

Bottled water sales in the United States reached 8.82 billion gallons in 2007, worth $11.7 billion, making the U.S. market for bottled water the largest in the world, according to Beverage Marketing, a provider of beverage industry data.Worldwide, water bottlers sold 47 billion gallons, or 178 billion liters, in 2006, up from 43 billion gallons in 2005.  Campaigners against bottled water cite concerns that include energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, waste, the environmental effect of water extraction, the perils of privatization and social issues.  "We're at the beginning of an awakening of the costs of our bottled water use," said Peter  Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, a sustainable development research organization in Oakland, California.  In the United States, city, state, and county governments have legislated to limit bottled water use or promoting tap water. Restaurants, schools, and religious groups have adopted similar policies, according to the Earth Policy Institute, in Washington.

The energy required to make water bottles in the United States is equivalent to 17 million barrels of oil annually, Gleick said. Globally, the bottling industry uses the equivalent of nearly 100 million barrels of oil each year, excluding transportation. Gleick said the Fiji brand of bottled water sold in Los Angeles traveled about 2,000 miles, or more than 3,000 kilometers, from the source to the store, effectively doubling its use of energy.  “Making plastic water bottles causes greenhouse gas emissions and uses water - about three
liters of water to produce one liter of bottled water”, Gleick said. In the United States, less than 20 percent of water bottles are recycled, according to the Container Recycling Institute.

Jane Lazgin, spokeswoman for NestlĂ© Waters North America, said NestlĂ© was an industry leader in reducing the plastic in bottles. In April 2007, it introduced a bottle that used 30 % less plastic than regular bottles. The company planned to move all of its products to the new bottle, she said. Bottled water is often 1,000 times more expensive than tap water, and the industry subtly undercuts public faith in municipal supplies, Kellett said.

"Coke and NestlĂ© and Pepsi have spent tens of millions of dollars a year manufacturing a demand for water as a commodity to be bought and sold for profit”, she added. In 2006, the industry spent $162.8 million on advertising bottled water in the United States, according to ZenithOptimedia. Lazgin defended the industry, saying its growth represented a shift from soda to water, not from the tap to bottled water. "The reality is 70 percent of what we drink in America comes in a can or a bottle," she said.

Drugs Found in Tap Water

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sang Whang Sings the Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Drinking Water

Sang Whang Sings the Benefits of Ionized Alkaline Drinking Water
By LouAnn Savage

There is a lot of misinformation either spoken or in print about the drinking of alkaline ionized water. This comes in spite of the extensive roads to education that have become available--from the Thursday evening 'Health & Wellness Teleseminar with Dr. Dave' to the many informative meetings taking place throughout North America and the world in any given week to the many books available to us all on the topic of electrolyzed structured water [ionized alkaline water]. One of the most recent questions put to me was, "Is it unhealthy or dangerous to drink alkaline water over 8.5 pH?"

Sang Whang, engineer, scientist, inventor of many U.S. patents and author of Reverse Aging, discusses pH in relation to ionized water in easy to understand language. He explains pH of ionized water this way. The mineral content in tap water affects the pH of

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fighting Back: How to Tell a Cold Where to Go

Fighting Back: How to Tell a Cold Where to Go

 phDrinkingWater.com Staff

 Back: How to Tell a Cold Where to Go

It is lurking in classrooms, around the corners at hospitals, in the crevices of office buildings, and in the shadows of grocery stores. Plainly put, there is no escape: the common cold is bound to find you wherever you go. When it’s cold season, viruses are on the hunt.
Unlike its cousin, the flu, there is no immunization against the common cold: colds, it turns out, happen. You can work on keeping your immune system in top shape with an alkaline diet, which will help you be less affected. Still, getting a cold doesn’t mean you have to sit in bed for a week, feeling miserable and longing for crazy things, like to be back at work. Colds can be somewhat maintained by heeding the following tips.

Don’t be a Snot:

Ah, the common cold: the one time a year when our entire bodies feel packed with mucus. It kind of comes with the territory: colds attack our noses and our throats. When this happens, it might seem easy to simply sniff or swallow the mucus back into our system. It might seem

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

SD 501 Warranty

SD 501 Warranty
Please Note:
We have found on some of these "non-biased" websites direct misrepresentations of our SD 501 Warranty.  The following is a direct quote from the Warranty that accompanied US delivery of an SD 501.

ENAGIC USA, INC. warrants to the original purchaser that this LeveLuk brand product (the “product”) will be free from defective workmanship and materials, and agrees that it will, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product or part thereof with a new or remanufactured equivalent at no charge to the purchaser for the period(s) set forth below.

This warranty does not apply to any cosmetic items of the product nor to any option item(s) set forth below, not to any product the exterior of which has been damaged or defaced, which has been subjected to improper voltage or other misuses, abnormal service or which has been altered or modified in design or construction.

In order to enforce the rights under this limited warranty, the purchaser should follow Operation Manual, and the steps set forth below and provide proof of purchase to the service.


Neither the sales personnel of the seller nor any other person is authorized to make any warranties or to extend the duration of any warranties beyond the time period described herein on behalf of ENAGIC.

The warranties described herein shall be granted by ENAGIC and shall be the sole and exclusive remedy available to the purchaser. Correction of defects, in the manner and for the period of time described herein, shall constitute full satisfaction of all claims, whether based on contract, negligence, strict liability or otherwise.  In no event will ENAGIC be liable or in any way responsible for any damages or defects in the product which were caused by repairs performed by anyone other than an authorized service.  Nor shall ENAGIC be liable, or in any way responsible, for any incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.  

LeveLuk SD 501 brand model TYH-401NF
Ionized Electrolysis Water Generator

Warranty period for this product:            
Five (5) years, with respect to parts and labor, on the condition that electrolysis are kept clean with a cleaning filter applied at least twice a year.
  The cleaning filter can be purchased separately as an optional maintenance kit.

Additional items excluded from Warranty coverage:
Accessories, rubber or plastic parts, and printed materials.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Selling Sickness, by Ray Moynihan

Selling Sickness, by Ray Moynihan

sellingsicknessSelling Sickness: How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients

Book Review: BC Medical Journal
Authors Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels.

This book is a must-read if you or your patients are concerned about the way the prescription drug business works. If you have wondered why the cost of medications in our system has gone from half to more than the cost of physician services over a decade, you’ll find some answers here. The writing style is journalistic without being sensational, has well-supported observations, and is an easy read.
There is a strong British Columbia connection since Mr Cassels is a drug policy researcher at the University of Victoria whom many of us have met or heard speak on drug issues. Some of the examples given in the book are very familiar, including references to activities of the Therapeutics Initiative, the work of some BC physicians, and several Pharmacare initiatives. Mr Moynihan is an Australian medical journalist who has written in the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.
The focus is on the myriad avenues through which “big pharma” constantly influences every facet of medication use—marketing, regulation and policy, upward cost pressures, research, guideline development, and the seduction of physicians with money, peer pressure, prestige, and trinkets.
Serious questions are raised that our profession should be asking itself about the reluctance to establish stronger ethical boundaries with the pharmaceutical industry, regulation of financial relationships with sellers, acceptance of financial incentives, and frank conflict of interest. Material is drawn from several countries’ experiences and it reveals the cost of shrinking government support for research and evaluation; it leaves drug development to an industry that aims to fund only what might increase sales.
The chapter titles are descriptive: Selling to Everyone (Cholesterol, the Ads), Working with Celebrities (Menopause and the Public), Making Risks into Medical Conditions (Blood Pressure), Advertising Disease (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), Taming the Watchdogs (IBS and the FDA), and so on.
The information in this book confirmed many things I had suspected. Physicians reading this book should recognize big pharma’s influence on the provision and cost of services and increased testing and office visits. The overlap from consumer advertising in the United States to the Canadian system and the number of patients sent to physicians’ offices specifically to request products they have been “sold” are further evidence of the industry’s sway.
The impact of siphoning billions of dollars away from other service needs, including physician services, and how we as a profession play a role in the uncontrollable rise in pharmaceutical costs are examined.
This is a timely book and I recommend it to anyone concerned about the bigger picture in health care. It makes clear that leaving our fate to the marketplace is risky and expensive and not necessarily a good thing for our patients’ health or our health care system.
—David Blair, MD