Kangen Water™ is perhaps more powerful than any single food or vitamin supplement, because it contains active hydrogen which supplies huge amounts of extra electrons to our body. Most water electrolysis equipment will not create active hydrogen in the water, therefore, the equipment merely produces ionized alkaline water, not Kangen Water™. In fact, the antioxidant potential of a single glass of Kangen Water™ would cost several dollars to duplicate with vitamin supplements and they would never be absorbed by our body the way water is. In fact, Kangen Water™ is so powerful as an antioxidant that your body will no longer have to use up calcium to supply electrons to free radicals.
This Chart shows the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) of common beverages.
Anti-Oxidants -
At 0, nothing is happening. When the numbers get into the positive side, the substance is causing oxidation, aging, and degeneration in the body.
There are 98 legally allowable chemicals in tap water. When ingested, those chemicals steal electrons from healthy cells. When water flows through pipes, it becomes acidic, so it is treated with LYE to make it meet the pH level mandated by the government of 6.8 to 7.2. Do you really think you are helping your body out when you drink tap water? The chlorine alone in tap water is a known carcinogen. Chlorine raises the incidence of cancer in everything it touches, from your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and rectum. Chlorine has been proven to contribute to heart disease in every animal tested.
Check out the good side. Vitamin C is about a -50; which is a good anti-oxidant. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice measures around -200 to – 250. That is one reason the American Cancer Institute recommends everyone eat 10 servings a day of fruits and vegetables….it’s to get your anti-oxidants, because remember, a cell that gets it’s electrons stolen will then reproduce as a damaged cell, and that new cell will reproduce as a more damaged cell, and so forth, until you get degenerative disease and eventually cancer. Check out green tea, at a -100. The Japanese drink tons of green tea. Remember when grandma’s used to give your dads and moms cod liver oil when they were little kids? They were smart; it’s a -200. But could you drink enough cod liver oil or green tea, or orange juice, or Noni juice, or mangostein juice, or blueberry juice, to replace 80,000 stolen electrons in a day? I don’t think so…Kangen water ranges from -350 up to -800’s, depending on how many minerals are naturally occurring in your water! That is 7 to 16 times stronger than vitamin C!
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