How Acidic Is My Body?
From Dr. Robert and Shelly Young
Fat is an Acid Problem!
Perhaps one of the most well known discoveries is his theory of the cause
of obesity. He has shown that fat is actually an over acidification problem.
What does that mean? The body creates fat cells to carry acids away from
your vital organs, so these acids don’t literally chock your organs to death.
Fat is saving your life! Fat is actually a response from the body to an
alarming over acidic conditions.
The solution? Alkalize and Energize.
Perhaps one of the most well known discoveries is his theory of the cause
of obesity. He has shown that fat is actually an over acidification problem.
What does that mean? The body creates fat cells to carry acids away from
your vital organs, so these acids don’t literally chock your organs to death.
Fat is saving your life! Fat is actually a response from the body to an
alarming over acidic conditions.
The solution? Alkalize and Energize.
What about Underweight?
At the other end of the health spectrum, the yeast and fungus produced
within an overly acidic body can feed on your nutrients and reduce the
chemical and mechanical absorption of everything you eat by as much as
50%. This causes many people to become excessively thin; this is no
healthier than becoming overweight. Without protein, your body cannot
rebuild new tissues or produce enzymes, hormones, or hundreds of other
chemical components necessary for cell energy and organ activity.
Fatigue, illness and body weight changes are the results. An underweight
person may loose a little more weight as their body chemistry stabilizes.
As their body normalizes, they will begin to gain toward their ideal weight.
The toxins produced within a overly acidic, oxygen deprived body may
contribute significantly to what are often call the symptoms of allergy. In
addition, the absorption of undigested proteins is a major cause of allergy
conditions The digestive system is weakened, which prevents the total
breakdown of amino acids – often causing food allergies and this alone
my produce a wide spectrum of severe allergic reactions.
Ionized alkalizing water (Kangen) introduces oxygenating and alkalizing
elements into your body helping to balance the conditions that may lead to
hypersensitivities and adding to that a change to a alkalizing diet.
Fatigue is probably the major symptom or complaint of an overly acidic
body. The toxins produced in an acidic body environment reduce the
absorption of protein and minerals, which in turn weakens the body’s
ability to produce enzymes and hormones. This also interferes with the
reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy
production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, and inablility to add
muscle tone and general weakness.
Fatigue is probably the major symptom or complaint of an overly acidic
body. The toxins produced in an acidic body environment reduce the
absorption of protein and minerals, which in turn weakens the body’s
ability to produce enzymes and hormones. This also interferes with the
reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy
production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, and inablility to add
muscle tone and general weakness.
Louis Pasteur in the late 1800’s formed the idea that diseases come from germs
that invaded the body from the outside. Dr. Young has found that when the body
is in a healthy alkaline balance, germs are unable to get a foothold.
that invaded the body from the outside. Dr. Young has found that when the body
is in a healthy alkaline balance, germs are unable to get a foothold.
Think of your body as a fish tank. Think of the importance of maintaining the
integrity of the internal fluids of the body that we “swim” in daily. Imagine the fish
in this tank are your sells and organ systems bather in fluids, which transport
food and remove wastes.
integrity of the internal fluids of the body that we “swim” in daily. Imagine the fish
in this tank are your sells and organ systems bather in fluids, which transport
food and remove wastes.
Now imagine we back up a car and put the tailpipe up against the air intake filter
that supplies the oxygen for the water in the tank. The water become filled with
carbon monoxide, lowering the alkaline pH, creating an acidic pH environment
and threatening the health pf the “fish,” your cells and organs.
What if we throw in too much food or the wrong kind of food (acid-producing food
like dairy, sugar and animal protein) and the fish are unable to consume or digest
it all, and it starts to decompose and putrefy? Toxic acid waste and chemicals
build up as the food breaks down creating more acidic by products, altering the
optimum alkaline pH.
Basically, this is a small example of what we may be doing to our internal fluids
every day. We are fouling them with pollution, smoking, drugs, excessive intake
of food, over-consumption of acid-forming foods (dairy food, sugar, animal
protein), and any number of transgressions which compromise the delicate
balance of our internal alkaline fluids.
Some of us have fish tanks (bodies) that are barely able to support life, yet we
somehow manage to struggle from day to day, building more severe imbalance
until there is the inevitable crash and debilitating chronic, disturbing and
disorganizing symptoms to deal with.
The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every
cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated
by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced
internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue,
slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble.
If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from
the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, overacidification
interferes with lift itself leading to all sickness and disease!
The most important thing you we will learn is to hydrate the body with alkalizing
water. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water. Food cravings
are often the body’s cry for water. A thirst for water will develop as on begins to
hydrate with water.
A diet high in acid foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits, and bread,
causes acid wastes to build up in the body. When acid wastes enter our
bloodstream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid
form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle,
they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon
and other locations.
The breakdown of this disposal process of acid waste could also be called “the
aging process.” To slow down and reverse this process, one must begin by
removing this over-acidification of the blood and tissues by including liberal
amounts of alkaline water in the diet. Alkaline water has a pH between 8.5 and
9.5, and will neutralize harmful stored acid wastes and gently remove them
from the tissues.
the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, overacidification
interferes with lift itself leading to all sickness and disease!
The most important thing you we will learn is to hydrate the body with alkalizing
water. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water. Food cravings
are often the body’s cry for water. A thirst for water will develop as on begins to
hydrate with water.
A diet high in acid foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits, and bread,
causes acid wastes to build up in the body. When acid wastes enter our
bloodstream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid
form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle,
they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon
and other locations.
The breakdown of this disposal process of acid waste could also be called “the
aging process.” To slow down and reverse this process, one must begin by
removing this over-acidification of the blood and tissues by including liberal
amounts of alkaline water in the diet. Alkaline water has a pH between 8.5 and
9.5, and will neutralize harmful stored acid wastes and gently remove them
from the tissues.
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